Thursday, February 21, 2019

Last Day Teaching; Night on the Town

Dear Friends-
This is our seventh day, and our last night in Cotui.  We’ll stop by the school tomorrow to say goodbye, but today was essentially our last day at Altagracia. It was our best one, given that the teachers, students and visitors all knew their roles.  We feel very much at home in the building, and the novelty of our presence has worn off enough to allow us to communicate well and maximize our presence.  Both teaching teams taught two periods, and it was clear that the students and their teachers are gaining significantly. We will be leaving this new program in great shape!  Recess was extended, and it turned into a dance party, with music blasting and every manner of dancing breaking out.  We had time for another teaching period before we left for lunch, and then returned to distribute the gifts we had careforepated the night before.  Every child received a gift package, with a new colorful shirt, a mini-journal and pencil, and toothpaste and new toothbrush.  There were many, many heartfelt goodbyes.  These kids are so smart.  They know that we’re leaving, and it’s that we will miss each other.  But we will be back! We are fiercely dedicated to this program’s success, given all we have seen.  After school, some of us stopped by a local nursing home to drop off a donation of supplies, and some went to a local store to buy spices and coffee. Tonight we’re going to a karaoke club to celebrate.  I hope to blog tomorrow, but may not have WiFi.  We’ll be home soon enough.  It’s  been grand!

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